In this modality, sacred alchemy work is done to clear all the body chakras to establish a pure connection with the higher realms and your Higher Self. I use clairsentience, clairvoyance and claircognition to scan the body, then use telepathy to communicate with your Higher Self and the Arch Angels. This allows me to gain clarification before channeling Reiki energy into the areas that need specific healing. This healing work involves clearing, energizing and realigning the chakras. It may also include removing negative implants, negative cords, negative hooks and portals. It could also include removal of entities, healing of traumas and energy blockages, expansion of spiritual gifts and with the Higher Selves permission, transmuting the harmful effects of immunization shots.
This healing modality can be used on clients of all ages as well as on animals and properties.
An average session is 1.5 -2 hours long with the cost being $111/session